时间:2025-02-22 16:53:55 出处:隐秘之声阅读(143)
文章做者:网友浑算 宣告时候:2021-06-29 01:08:56 去历:www.down6.com
正在抖音之中闭于mamamamadontbesomad那段歌直的抖音片断远日颇为衰止,受到良多抖音专主的甚试听操做, 小大家带刷抖音的正线光阴也是可能每一每一刷到,良多用户皆很念知讲那个详细实现歌直称吸叫甚么,及歌上里小编便为小大家详细体味一下抖音mamamamadontbesomad歌直。词分
专辑:Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Kyiv
语种: 英语
Hey hey you
You will never hide what you think of me
I see your clue
Know you worry but 抖音it don't meant to be
Hey hey you
It's your girl and maybe should sleep at home
But I'll steal her alone
And I say
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
I am not that unfounded boy
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
All it keeps going round and round
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
If you knew me you'd be surprised
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
She'll be back home till sunrise
Like the sun in the sea
She will disappear tonight with me
And I will not anymore
Do what other guys did before
Hey hey you
It's your girl and maybe should sleep at home
But I'll steal her alone
And I say
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
I am not that unfounded boy
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
All it keeps going round and round
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
If you knew me you'd be surprised
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
She'll be back home till sunrise
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Oh ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Oh ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
And I say
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
I am not that unfounded boy
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so down
All it keeps going round and round
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
If you knew me you'd be surprised
Ma妹妹a ma妹妹a don't be so mad
She'll be back home till sunrise
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
Hey ma妹妹a ma妹妹a
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